Walneto - Jean Hilton Stitch

You Can Do It

Uses:  Isolated, samplers

To work, create the 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 and 7-8 bars.  You should have a large diamond with crosses on all four corners on the canvas.  Now, go up 9 and before you go into 10, pass the needle under the 1-2 and 7-8 bars in the direction of the arrow.  Now return your needle to the underside of the canvas at 10.  Come up at 11 and pass the needle under 1-2 and and 3-4 threads.  Again, be sure you travel in the direction of the arrow.  Continue to work in this mannor until you reach 72 which is the last hole.


With a little practice, this stitch will be come one of your favorites.