Yarns & Threads Used for Needlepoint
Needlepoint usually requires many hours of work on a single piece. For this reason, the needle artist wants to work with a thread which will work best with the motif.
We have a large variety of threads available to us on the market. Overdyed cottons, silk/wool blends, metals and synthetics are just some of the threads we have today. In the future months, I will continue to discuss different threads, uses, coverage and different companies. This will be a continuous endeavor to explain as much as I can.
Some of the threads will be available on the market today and others may bediscontinued. Although you may not find them in craft or needlework shops, you omay find wonderful and unique threads that are new to you. Do not feel threatened by their appearance. Take them home andexperiment. You may discover threads that are thirty years old, or even older. (Maybe grandmother's old threads may interest you.)
Before using them, test them to determine the correct strand in the needle and discover the thread's limitations. Are they clean and in good repair? Years ago, I purchased large amount of wool, only to find theentire hank deteriorating and effectivey useless. Another time, I discovered a number of old skeins of rayon for $4.00. To buy the quantity of threads new in the shop would have cost more than $75.00. The bag of rayon was enough to work an entire project.
As I stated above, yarn and thread companies come and go. It isn’t possible to name all the threads on the market today. If you would like to see a thread, please contact me at susan@needlepointteacher.com.
The following topics are available
Threads & Yarns
How to Measure Odd Shaped Motif