Raymond Stitch & Variations


Uses:  Large areas, Samplers

It is best to make the long stitches which create the "corners" of the cross first.  Then insert the rest of the stitches for the large cross.  Be sure to weave the middle as you stitch.  To begin, start in an area which will not require you to compensate.


The dots in the graph indicate beads or French Knots. 


This stitch is challenging yet very effective.  Raymond has lots of texture and movement which should be placed in larger areas in your project. 

Raymond Variation I

This is just like Raymond but, the crosses have not been woven.  Dot on the graph indicates French Knots.

Raymond Variation II

This is just like Raymond but, the crosses have not been woven.  Be careful, the crosses have been moved.  This count can be a littly tricky.