Bucky's Weaving Stitch
Uses: Clothes, Background (caution, the weaving will snag), Buildings
At first glance, you might think this is a flat, hard wearing stitch. The weaving floats on the surface of the canvas. It is best to use Bucky's Weaving for pictures and samplers which will be placed in a picture frame.
To stitch, first create Cross stitches on the canvas. Be sure you skip a canvas thread as you do so. When this is complete, fill in with long vertical stitches on the canvas. You will want to come up on the top of the canvas and down to the lower portion of the area. Bring the needle under the canvas. Come up right next to the last hole and travel up to the top. You will continue to do so until you have completed the long stitches in one direction.
Fill in the horizontal threads in the same mannor except remember to weave the needle in and out of the long vertical threads.